
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life is the ultimate jigsaw puzzle!

I love building jigsaw puzzles; I started a new one on Saturday morning. It's 750 pieces, 38in by 11in,a  beautiful picture of songbirds sitting on a fence.The puzzle is spread out on the dining table,and as I work on it, I can hear a symphony of live birds coming from the nearby bushes and trees.They don't make sad sounds; they are always chirping a happy tune.

Anyway,back to's such a relaxing hobby for me, it helps  to quiet the mind and keep it  focused on building the picture.Sometimes I find myself chanting or singing as I sort out the pieces; and there is such a simple pleasure when the picture begins to take shape. One of the lessons I have learned in puzzle-making is to have patience; it takes a lot of time before I can admire the finished product.

Yesterday, my son asked what process I use in building the puzzle.I never thought about it before. Is there only one way or do others have some other strategy?  Usually, I look for the ends,and get the outline, then I look for similar colours and start building a particular scene such as the sky or in this case, the birds. It's helpful in watching how the mind works.
One of the reasons I love doing puzzles is that it reminds me of my mother;she was a champion puzzle-maker! She had a sharp eye for colour and shapes; and she was ever so happy when she got a puzzle as a gift. I have also noticed that my daughter is quite good at helping me, we completed  a 3000 piece together, so maybe, we have a gene for puzzle-making in the family.!

Putting the puzzle pieces together makes me think of how life is made up of different situations,events, circumstances; sometimes you don't see the immediate connection, but as time moves forward, a picture comes together. You begin to see and trust that your life is part of a larger picture;and just as every little puzzle piece is important, so too,every individual life is important in the grand scheme of things. 

Does that make sense at all? Take time to listen to the birds; reflect and enjoy the  puzzle pieces of your life. 

peace and love


  1. Donna has the gene as well :)

    Was talking with Rachel who finds it fascinating that we build puzzles together... She doesn't know many families that do this.

    Think we'll finish by Friday? Does this mean mine will have to waith till May?

    Hope you have a great day mom,

    love, Ren

  2. Namaskar Reena

    I have not done a puzzle for ages but it is something that I have always enjoyed - I got the gene from my father and it is something we have enjoyed doing together. We built a puzzle during the coup in 1990, whilst my mother was happily on the phone with the rest of Trinidad speculating about whether there were Libyan submarines in the harbour, were we about to be invaded through Wallerfield, which side the police were on and all the rest!

    You remind me of the joy of puzzles and give me a wonderful idea of something I can do with my father that we both enjoy. I also like your analogy of puzzles and life - the fact that we cannot always see the connections or where things go, but with patience and perseverance, it all comes good!

    Thank you for this timely reminder and prod.

    With all love
